Saturday, August 1, 2009

Parents and Dancers,
This is by far one of the, if not the most difficult decisions that I have ever had to make and I’m so incredibly saddened by the situation. I unfortunately am going to be closing the studio. I have run into an impossible situation with our current location and the unfortunate state of our economy.
Mapleton City is planning on building a new public safety building right where our existing building is located. We have known about the possibility of this for sometime but have been hopeful and were under the impression that the project would be delayed due to financial reasons for a little while longer. I was just recently informed that Mapleton City was going to be going ahead with their building plans and have had to make this decision last minute. I’m sorry about the inconvenience and late/short notice of this; it was not my intention!
On my exhausting hunt for a new location I’ve run into some unfortunate situations. I cannot find a space that I feel comfortable with; weather it is the actual size and condition of the space and/or the safety and accessibility of the location. Also price; I cannot find a space that is affordable and I can’t afford to increase my over head right now L Not to mention that I am missing out on a “normal” family life and I’m watching my daughter grow up way too fast and missing most of it. It so far has been justified because I was working to provide a better life for her, now I am faced with working 40 to 50 hours a week for free and potentially paying to do so.L
I hope that you will all understand that this is something I don’t want to do but feel like I have to do. I feel that while it may be a painful decision it is ultimately the best decision for my family and our well being. I have loved my job and cannot express to you how grateful I am for the last 10 years and what wonderful people have been a part of my life because of it! Dance is my passion and it will always be; I just don’t think it’s something I can make a living at right now. On the up-side there is always the possibility that things could change and in a few years I can re-open? I am still planning on participating in the Stadium of Fire each year if anyone is interested in still doing it with me? I’ll be sending out information as soon as I receive it. I will still be at Springville High coaching the Drill Team so I hope I will see you at games, events and Jr. D’velles. Please stay in touch and keep dancing! I love you all more than words can express and I will miss you everyday! Thank you for being a part of the Dynamic Dance Family I hope that you have had a good experience!
Love Always!


Simpson Family said...

Sad for us, exciting for you!

Ady said...

sad sad sad but still we have STADIUM OF FIRE